Play with my dog for a little while as I was making my breakfast it´s one of my favorite things to do, but is still annoying to have to wash my hands every 10 seconds.
Brush my teeth, run to the door, and lock it right behind me, and here I go, my day is bright and sunny! and walking to the bus stop is not that painful, and smells nice because of the new bakery.. awww I like that smell, fresh bread in the morning.
Having to go to class all morning is not that fun, but when is interesting, I must confess that I love it, and you know me, - the time goes fast when you´re having FUN -.
So, the morning went away, just like a good book in the last chapter, or like a great Japanese anime episode.
On the way back home I like sometimes to look through the window in the bus, I always see something new, maybe people walking, people talking (but not on the phone, is dangerous in El Salvador)...
Arriving at home lunch is ready because Ana (family´s maid) works in my house on Fridays, I ask her how is she doing as she takes a lunch brake, we talk for a while about the differences about living in the city and the country (were she lives), and also about my grandma, because my grandma is so loving and caring.. then she says, - Ligia called - and checking finally my phone I can see her txt saying that... we need to go out for doughnuts and talk.
The greatest moment in the day finally comes, there´s just NOTHING in the world like going out with her to a doughnut place called "Mister Donut" and just hang out.
Ligia and I have been best friends since I remember, we grew up together teasing each other, and calling ourselves with some other friends, "the lesbians frogs" that´s why we like frogs so much lol.
We went to school together, and also attended the same church were we first met and over time started to serve.
She has been there for me every time I really needed her:
When I got sick
When I got surgery (wisdom teeth)
When my dog got sick
For my dog´s checkup
Just to hang out in my house
To have dinner at a Taiwanese Restaurant
To talk about boys at Mister Donut
To talk about life
When I needed a best friend´s advice
And of course... to go to the bathroom with!
Those are just a few reasons why, I am so excited when it comes to share some doughnuts with Ligia at our favorite spot.

I just miss the old times, the good times... and having Ligia in my life.