It´s been a week without everybody I want in my life now, it´s been hard.
Being away makes inevitable the fact that I´m more independent. It also makes me feel your selfishness because you call me whenever you want to, or no calls if you don´t feel like it.
I have a question for you, do you think is easy being apart from your family, your friends, and also the one you love? well, I hope one day you feel that way when you move to your new place, ALONE. You´ll wish that someone would call on the phone just to check in or ask if you need to talk. Because that´s how I feel, and the saddest part: I can´t feel your support in this hard time for me, maybe I don´t need you, maybe this was meant to be like this... who knows.
I´m becoming stronger, I´m not crying anymore. I´m still missing you though. But I´m wondering why do I miss you, what do I miss from you, if you´ve became a different person for me, someone who´s not even sure about what to feel for me... I haven´t even heard a decent and truly -I love you- from you.
It makes me feel upset how easily I lost you.
I feel cold. I´m changing day-by-day and I don´t like what I see in the mirror. No smile, no sadness, no happiness... thanks to you I´m killing all feelings in my heart. Funny thing, I´m not thankful about it.
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